History of Arabian Horses
Articles of History:
by Lady Anne Blunt orig pub in 1879
"A neighing quadruped, used in war, and draught and carriage."
Arab horse-breeding -- Obscurity respecting it -- There is no Nejdean breed -- Picture of the Anazeh horse--He
is a bold jumper -- Is a fast horse for his size -- His nerve excellent, and his temper -- Causes of deterioration -- How
the Bedouins judge a horse -- Their system of breeding and training -- Their horsemanship indifferent -- Their prejudices
-- Pedigree of the thoroughbred Arabian horse.
C onsidering the obsurity in which the whole subject of Arab horse-breeding is hidden in
England, I trust that I shall be excused for venturing to give a slight sketch of this interesting subject. It was one that
engaged our attention more than any other on our late journey, and which we took especial pains to understand in principle
as well as in detail.
I t is singular that former travellers should not have attempted this. Niebuhr and Burckhardt,
exhaustive as they generally are, are silent here, or tell us little that is correct, while later travellers, either from
lack of interest or lack of knowledge, ignores the subject altogether. Mr. Palgrave, in his contempt of all things Bedouin,
disposes of the Anazeh horses in a few sentences, which reveal his little acquaintance with his subject, and repeats a fantastic
account of the Royal Stables at Riad and the tale of a distinct Nejdean breed existing there, a tale which so far as I could
learn no Bedouin north of Jebel Shammar believes a word of: Mr. Palgrave must have been deceived on this point oby the townsmen
of Riad, for the northern Bedouins know Ibn Saoud perfectly by name and know of his mares. But they all assert that the Riad
stud is quite a modern collection, got together by Feysul and acquired principally from themselves. Abdallah-ibn-Feysul-inb-Saoud
still sends to the Anazeh for additions to it from time to time; and I know of one instance in which he sent four mares from
Riad as far as Aleppo to a celebrated horse standing there.
G eneral Daumans's book on the horses of the Sahara does not do more than touch on those
of Arabia; and, with the exception of an Italian work which I have heard of, but which is out of print, I know of nothing
on the subject better than Captian Upton's pamphlet called "Newmarket and Arabia." This, with some really interesting
facts and generally correct notions, is but a sketch taken from information gained at second hand. The pamphlet, as far as
it relates to Arabia, consists mainly of a discussion as to what sort of horse it was Noah took with him into the ark, and
where the horse went after he was let out of it. *
*Since writing the above I have been shown an article in Fraser's Magazine of September, 1876, in which Captain Upton corrects
his original impressions about Arabian horse-breeding, in consequence of a visit paid by him to the Sebaa, Moali and other
tribes in the neighbourhood of Aleppo. The account thus corrected is exceedingly good, though it still contains not a few
N ot to go back so far as that, I think we may be content with accepting the usual belief
that Arabia was one of the countries where the horse was originally found in his wild state, and where he was first caught
and tamed. By Arabia, however, I would not imply the peninsula, which , according to every account we have of it, is not at
all a country suited to the horse in his natural condition. there is no water above the ground in Nejd, nor any pasture fit
for horses except during the winter months; and the mares kept by the Bedouins there are fed, during part of the year at least,
on dates and camel's milk. Every authority agrees on this point. The Nejd horses are of pure blood, because of the isolation
of the peninsula, and the want of proper food has stunted the breed. Nejd bred horses are neither so tall nor so fast as those
of the Hamad, although the blood is the same. Dr. Colvill, who went to Riad in 1854, assures me that he saw but one single
mare during the whole of his journey there and back, and that that was a small insignificant animal. He has seen, however,
poinies of thirteen hands in el Hasa which he describes as "little lions," of great power and beauty; the "tattoes" of the
Indian market.
I t is not then in the peninsula of Arabia, where water is only to be had from wells, that
the original stock can have been found, but rather in Mesopotamia and the great pastoral districts bordering the Euphrates,
where water is abundant and pasture perennial. I was constantly struck, when crossing the plains of Mesopotamia, with its
resemblance to Entrerios, and the other great horse-producing regions of the river Plate. Here the wild horse must have been
originally captured, (just as in the present day the wahash or wild ass is captured,) and taken thence by man to people the
L ater on, invasions from the north seem to have brought other breeds of horses to these
very plains, members perhaps of other original stocks, those of the Russian steppes or of Central Asia. These we find represented
on the Chaldean bas-releifs, and still existing in the shape of stout ponies all along the northern edge of the desert --
animals disowned by the Bedouins as being horses at all, yet serviceable for pack work, and useful in their way. This Chaldean
type, from whatever source it springs, stands in direct contrast with that of the true Arabian. It is large-headed, heavy-necked,
straight- shouldered, and high on the leg -- a lumbering clumsy beast, fit rather for draught, if it were large enough, than
for riding; and in this way the ancient Chaldeans seem to have chiefly employed it. The desert, however, has always preserved
its own breed intact; and wherever the Bedouin is found, whether in Nejd or in the Hamad or Mesopotamia, the same animal,
with the same traditions and the same prejudices concerning him, is to be found. It is of this animal only that I propose
to speak.
T he pure bred Bedouin horse stands from fourteen to fifteen hands in height, the difference
depending mainly on the country in which he is bred, and the amoung of good food he is given as a colt. In shape he is like
our English thoroughbred, his bastard cousin, but with certain differences. The principal of these is, as might be expected,
in the head, for where there is a mixture of blood the head almost always follows the least beautiful type of the ancestors.
Thus, every horse with a cross of Spanish blood will retain the heavy head of that breed, though he have but one-sixteenth
part of it to fifteen of a better strain. The head of the Arabian is larger in proportion than that of the English thoroughbred,
the chief difference lying in the depth of jowl. This is very marked, as is also the width between the cheek-bones where the
English horse is often defective to the cost of his windpipe. The ears are fine and beautifully shaped, but not very small.
The eye is large and mild, the forehead prominent as in horses of the Touchstone blood with us, and the muzzle fine, sometimes
almost pinched. Compared with the Arabian, the English thoroughbred is Roman nosed. The head, too, and this is perhaps the
most distinguishing feature, is set on at a different angle. When I returned to England the thoroughbreds seemed to me to
hold their heads as if tied in with a bearing rein, and to have no throat whatever, the cause perhaps of that tendency to
roaring so common with them.
T he neck of the Arabian horse is light, and I have never seen among them anything approaching
to the crest given by his pictures, to the Godolphin Arabian. The shoulder is good, as good as in our own horses and the wither
is often as high, although from the greater height of the hind-quarter this is not so apparent. The forearm in the best specimens
is of great strength, the muscle standing out with extraordinary prominence. The back is shorter than it is in our thoroughbreds,
and the barrel rounder. The Arabian is well ribbed up. He stands higher at the croup than at the wither. The tail is set on
higher, but not, as I have heard some people say, on a level with the croup. Indeed, the jumping bone, to use an Irish phrase,
is often very prominent. The tail is carried high, both walking and galloping; and this point is much looked to, as a sign
of breeding. I have seen mares gallop with their tails as straight as a colt's, and fit, as the Arabs say, to hang your cloak
T he hind-quarter in the arabian is much narrower than in our horses, another point of breeding,
which indicates speed rather than strength. The line of the hind-quarter is finer, the action freer, and the upper limb longer
in proportion than in the English racehorse. The hocks are larger, better let down, and not so straight. The cannon bone is
shorter. The legs are strong, but with less bone in proportion than back sinew. This last is perhaps the finest point of the
Arabian, in whom a "breakdown" seldom or never occurs. the bones of the pastern joints are fine, sometimes too fine for strength,
and the pastern itself is long evern to weakness. Its length is a point much regarded by the Arabs as a sign of speed. The
hoofs are round and large, and very hard, though, from the barbarous method of shoeing and paring of the foot practiced by
the desert blacksmiths, a stranger might doubt this. The toe is often cut ludicrously short, out of economy, to save frequent
T he only defect of the Arabian as a racehorse, compared with our own, is his small size.
Inch for inch there can be no question which is the faster horses.
I t is commonly said in England that the Arabian has but one pace, the gallop; and in a certain
sense this is true. Trotting is discouraged by the Bedouin colt-breakers, who, riding on an almost impossible pad, and without
stirrups, find that pace inconvenient. But with a little patience, the deficiency can easily be remedied, and good shoulder
action given. No pure bred Arabian however is a high stepper. His style of galloping is long and low, the counterpart of our
English thoroughbred's. He is a careless but by no means a bad or dangerous walker. It is considered a great point of breeding
that a horse should look about him to right and left as he walks; and this, combined with the great lengths of his pasterns,
makes him liable to trip on even ground, if there are slight inequalities in his road. I have never however seen him even
in danger of falling. The horse is too sure of his footing to be careful, except on rough ground, and then he never makes
a false step. The broken knees one comes across are almost always the result of galloping colts before they are strong enough
over rocky gbround, and, though a fearful disfigurement in our eyes, are thought nothing of by the Bedouins. The reputation,
so often given to the Arabian, of being a slow walker, is the reverse of true. Though less fast than the Barb, he walks well
beyond the average pace of our own horses. His gallop, as I have said, is long and low, and faster in proportion to his
height than that of any other breed. If one could conceive an Arabian seventeen hands high, he could not fail to leave
the best horse in England behind him. As it is, he is too small to keep stride with our race-horses.
T he Arabian is a bold jumper, indeed the boldest in the world. Though in their own country
they had had absolutely no knowledge of fences, not one of the mares we brought home with us has made any difficulty about
going at the fences we tried them at. One of them, the evening of her arrival in England, on being let loose in the park,
cleared the fence which is five feet six inches high. We pulled down the lower rails after this, and walked her back under
the top one, a thick oak rail which was several inches higher than her wither. Another, though only fourteen hands two incehs,
clears seven yards in her stride over a hurdle. The mare I rode on the journey, carried me over the raised watercourses by
the Euphrates in the cleverest way in the world, off and on without the least hanging or hesitation, and always with a foot
ready to bring down in case of need. As hunters, however, in England, they would all be too small for any but children to
ride, and their want of comparative height at the wither would be a serious defect.
O f their galloping powers, as compared with those of English thoroughbreds, I cannot speak
from experience. I do not, however, suppose that over three miles, the longest English race, and Arabian would have much chance
against any but quite inferior animals. Over five miles it might be different, but over twenty I am convinced that none but
very exceptional English horses, would be able to go with them.The Arabians seem capable of going on for surprising distances,
under heavy weights, without tiring; and they have the advantage of being able to stand almost any amount of training without
going "stale." The thoroughbred Anazeh horse will train as fine as any English racehorse. Be this as it may, there is no doubt
that the pure bred Arabian possesses extraordinary powers of endurance. On a journey he may be ridden day after day, and fed
only upon grass. Yet he does not lose heart or condition, and is always ready to gallop at the end of the longest march, a
thing we have never ventured to propose to our horses on any previous journey.
I n disposition the Arabians are gentle and affectionate, familiar indeed almost to the extent
of being troublesome. They have no fear of man whatsoever, and will allow anyone to come up to them when grazing, and take
them by the head. If they happen to be lying down, they will not move though you come close to them. They are not to be intimidated
by any lifting up of hands or sticks, for they do not understand that you can hurt them. It often amused us in the desert
to see the mares come up to their masters and use them for a rubbing-post. this extreme gentleness and courage, though partly
the effect of education, is also inherited, for a colt born and brought up in the stable is just as tame. It never thinks,
as English colts do, of running round behind its dam for protection, but comes at once to anyone who enters the box.
I have never seen an Arabian vicious, shy, or showing signs of fear. They do not wince at
firearms, though they are not at all accustomed to them; and in England no railway train or sudden noise gives them the least
alarm. In this they are very diffferent from Barbs, Turks, and all other foreign horses I have had to do with.
T here is among English people a general idea that grey, especially flea-bitten grey, is
the commonest Arabian colour. But this is not so among the Anazeh. Bay is still more common, and white horses, though fashionable
in the desert, are rare. Our white Hamdaniyeh mare, Sherifa, which came from Nejd, was immensely admired among the Gomussa
for the sake of her colour almost as much as for her head, which is indeed of extraordinary beauty. The drawing at the beginning
of this chapter is her very faithful portrait. Perhaps out of a hundred mares among the Anazeh one would see thirty-five bay,
thirty grey, fifteen chestnut, and the rest brown or black. Roans, piebalds, duns, and yellows, are not found among the pure
bred Arabians, though the last two occasionally are among Barbs. The bays often have black points and generally a white foot,
or two or three white feet, and a snip or blaze down the face. The chestnuts vary from the brightest to the dullest shades,
and I once saw a mottled brown. The tallest and perhaps handsomest horse we saw was a Samhan-el-Gomeaa, a three-year-old bay
with black points, standing about fifteen hands one inch. He was a little clumsy, however, in his action, though that may
have been the fault of his breaking. He had bone enough to satisfy all the requirements, even those of a Yorkshire man, but
showed no sign of lacking quality. With very few exceptions, all the handsomest mares we saw were bay, which is without doubt
by far the best colour in Arabia as it is in England. The chestnuts, as with us, are hot tempered, evern violent. Black is
a rare colour, and I never saw in the desert a black mare which I fancied. In choosing Arabians I should take none but bays,
and if possible bays with black points.
I t must not be suposed that there are many first-class mares among the Bedouins. During
all our travels we saw but one which answered to the ideal we had formed, an Abeyeh Sherrak of the Gomussa. Nor were there
many which approached her. Among the Shammar we saw only two first-class mares, among the Fedaan perhaps half a dozen, and
among the Roala, once the leading tribe in horse-breeding, none. The Gomussa alone, of all the Anazeh, have any large number
of really fine mares. We had an excellent oppportunity of judging, for we were with the Gomussa when fighting was going on,
and when every man among them was mounted on his mare. I do not consider that we saw more than twenty "fok el aali," or, to
translate it literally, "tip-top" mares, nor more than fifty which we should have cared to possess. I doubt if there are two
hundred really first-class mares in the whole of Northern Arabia. By this I of course do not mean first-class in quality and
appearance as well as blood.
I cannot help suspecting that a certain amount of deterioration has taken place within the
last fifty, perhaps the last twenty years. There is no doubt that in the early years of the present century, the Roala were
possesssed of immense numbers of mares, and had the reputation of having the monopoly of some of the best strains of blood.
It was to their sheykh, Ibn Shallan, whom he called the "Prince of the Desert," that Abbas Pasha sent his son to be educated,
and from them that he bought most of the mares, of which he made such a wonderful collection. Yet from one cause and another
the Roala, though still rich and powerful, have now no mares to speak of. They have within the last few years abandoned the
old Bedouin warfare with the lance, and taken to firearms. Horses are no longer indispensable to them, and have been recklessly
sold. The Shammar of Mesopotamia have suffered for the last two generations by the semi-Turkism of their Sheykhs, Sfuk and
Ferhan, and have been divided by internal dissensions to such an extent, that their enemies, the Anazeh, have greatly reduced
them. Abbas Pasha also bought up many fine mares from among them at extravagant prices; and they now have not a single specimen
among them of the Seglawi Jedran breed, for which they were formerly famous. The Montefik in the south, once also celebrated
for their horses, have allowed the purity of their breed to be tampered with , for the sake of increased size, so necessary
for the Indian market which they supplied. It was found that a cross-bred animal of mixed Persian and Arabian blood, would
pass muster among the English in India as pure Arabian, and would command a better price from his extra height. The Persian
or Turcoman horse stands fifteen hands two inches, or even, I am told, sixteen hands; and these the Montifik have used to
cross their mares with. The produce is known in India as the Gulf Arab, but his inferior quality is now recognised. Lastly,
among the Sebaa themselves, who have maintained the ancient breeds in all their integrity, various accidents have concurred
in diminishing the number of their mares. Several seasons of drought and famine, within the last fifteen years, have reduced
the prosperity of the tribes, and forced them to part with some of their best breeding stock. Many a valuable mare was thus
sold, because her owner had no choice but to do so or to let her starve, while others, left "on halves" with inhabitants of
the small towns, never returned to the desert. Mijuel, of the Misrab, told me of a mare of his, which he had been obliged
to leave in this way with a townsman, and which , from having been left standing a whole year in a filthy stable, had become
foundered in all four feet and could not be removed. Finally the continual wars, which for years past have devastated the
tribes, have caused an immense consumption of horses. When a mare is taken in war she is usually galloped into the nearest
town, and sold hurriedly by her captor, for what she will fetch, for fear of her being reclaimed when peace is made. While
we were at Aleppo, mares were thus every day brought for us to look at, terribly knocked about, and often with fresh spear-wounds
gaping on flank or shoulder.
B esides all these reasons, the Bedouin system of breeding, as at present practised among
the Anazeh and Shammar, must have had a degenerating effect upon their blood stock, which is only now beginning to
show its results. That this system has in most of its features been the same from time immemorial in Arabia, is no doubt true,
but there is one point on which it is more likely the practice has been modified by recent circumstances. In former times
when the tribes were rich prosperous, it cannot be doubted, but they kept a larger proportion of horses as compared with mares
than is now seen. At present time there can hardly be more than one full-grown horse kept for stud purposes to every two hundred
mares. Indeed, the proportion is probably far smaller, and this fact alone is sufficient to account for much of the barrenness
and much of the inferiority of the produce, complained of in the desert. In England such a proportion would not be tolerated.
Then , if there be any truth in the doctrine that in-and-in breeding is wrong, this too may be looked upon as an increasing
evil in the desert. The Shammar have long been separated from the rest of Arabia, and, though occasionally recruiting their
breeding stock by capture from the Anazeh, they have been for a couple of hundred years practically cut off from all communication
with other horse-breeders. They have despised the horses of their Kurdish and Persian neighbours too thoroughly to allow any
infusion of blood from them, and thus have been forced to breed in-and-in during all these generations. The Anazeh, too, though
not so absolutely severed from Central Arabia, have, since the reduction of Jebel Shammar by the Wahabis, been precluded from
free communication with the peninsula, and have become more and more isolated; and the evil has been exaggerated by the extraordinary
fanaticism shown by both Anazeh and Shammar in favour of certain special strains of blood which monopolise their attention.
At the present moment all the blood stock of the Anazeh tribes must be related in the closest degrees of consanguinity. That
this fanaticism operates most injuriously there can hardly be a doubt. The horses bred from are not chosen for their size
or their shape, or for any quality of speed or stoutness, only for their blood. we saw a horse with a considerable reputation
as a sire, among the Aghedaat, for no other reason than that he was a Maneghi Hedruj of Ibn Sbeyel's strain. The animal himself
was a mere pony, without a single good point ot recommend him, but his blood was unexceptionable, and he was looked upon with
awe by the tribe.
T hese two points then, the insufficiency of stud horses and in-and-in breeding, may be looked
upon as exceptional, yet adequate causes of degeneracy among the rank and file of the Bedouin horses north of Jebel Shammar.
I t is difficult to understand how it happens that the pure Arabian race should have in fact
retained as much of its good quality as it has. In all ages and in all parts of Arabia, to say nothing of the points I have
already mentioned, an unpractical system of breeding has prevailed, due in part to prejudice, and in part to peculiarities
of climate and soil. To begin with, there has been the extraordinary prejudice of blood I have spoken of, and which, though
doubtless an excellent one as between pure Arabians and "kadishes," is hardly valid as between the different strains of pure
blood. An inferior specimen of a favourite strain is probably preferred all over Arabia to a fine specimen of a lower strain,
or rather of a less fashionable one. Thus the Bedouin's judgment of the individual horse itself, when he does judge it, is
rather a guess at this pedigree than a consideration of his qualities. In examining a horse, the bedouin looks first at his
head. There, if anywhere, the signs of his parentage will be visible. Then, maybe, he looks at his colour to see if he have
any special marks for recognition, and last of all at his shape.
O f the speed of the animal, though much is talked of it, it is seldom that anything accurate
is known. The Bedouins have no set races by which they can judge of this, and the relative merits of their mares can hardly
be guessed at in the fantasias where they figure. Even in war it is rather a question of endurance, than of speed, which is
the better animal; and, where a real flight and a real pursuit takes place, the course is so seldom a straight one, that it
is as often that the best trained or the best ridden mare gets the advantage, as the one which really has the speed. A mare,
celebrated for speed in the desert, is as often as not merely a very well-broken charger. The Bedouins have, moreover, no
idea, even if they had the intention, of riding their horses so as to give them full advantage of their stride. They must
be very hard pressed indeed, if they keep on at a steady gallop for more than a mile or two together. Their parties and expeditions,
even where haste is necessary, are constantly interrupted by halts and dismountings; and a steady pace all day long is a thing
not to be thought of. They go, however, immense distances in this way, cantering and stopping and cantering again, and are
out sometimes for a whole month together, during which time their mares are very insufficiently fed, and often kept for days
at a time without water. They are also exposed to every hardship in the way of climate, heat, and cold, and pitilesss wind.
The mares then, depend rather on stoutness and long endurance of privations, than on speed, for finding favour with their
T he education they receive, no doubt, prepares them for this, but at the same time it interferes
with their growth, and prevents them from developing the full posers of strength and speed they might otherwise acquire. The
colt, as soon as it is born, and this may be at any time of the year (for the Bedouins have no prejudice in favour of early
foaling), is fastened, by a cord tied either round the neck or round the hind leg above the hock, to a tent-rope, and kept
thus close to the tent all day, its dam going out the while to pasture. The little creature by this early treatment becomes
extraordinarily tame, suffering itself to be handled at once and played with by the children. It is fed, as soon as it can
be made to drink, on camel's milk, which the bedouins pretend will give it the endurance of that beast; and, at any rate by
the end of the month, it is weaned altogether from the mare. The real reason of this can hardly be the good of the foal, but
the necessity of making use of the mare for riding. The Bedouins allow at most a month before and a month after foaling for
rest. The colt then has not the advantage we think so essential to proper growth, of running with its mother during its first
season. It continues, however, quite tame, and, as soon as it is a year old, is mounted a little by the children, and later
on by any boy who is a light weight. The Bedouins declare that, unless a colt has done really hard work before he is three
years old, he will never be fit to do it afterwards; so in the course of his third year he is taken on expeditions, not perhaps
serious ghazus, where he would run some risk of breaking down or being captured, but on minor journeys; and he is taught to
gallop in the figure of eight, and change his legs so as to grow supple. This treatment is indeed a kill or cure one; and,
if the colt gets through it, there is little fear of his braking down afterwards. It is seldom that one sees a three-year
old without splints, though curbs and spavins are not common. I have seen several animals with the shank bone permanently
bent, through hard work when very young. I agree, however, with the Bedouins, in believing that to their general health and
poweres of endurance this early training is necessary. The fillies go through the same course of treatment, and themselves
become mothers before they are four years old. The colts are sold off when opportunity offers to the townsmen of Deyr, Aleppo
or Mosul, as the case may be, or to dealers who come round to the tents of the tribes, during their summer stay in the extreme
north. The best are usually taken by the townsmen, as the dealers, especially those who supply the Indian market, seldom or
never purchase hadud colts. These cost about three times as much as the others, and it is easy to forge a pedigree. The townsmen,
particularly those of Deyr, who are almost Bedouins themselves, know the difference well, and care for nothing but the best.
Others are sold to the low tribes, who take them in to the towns for further sale, as soon as they have broken them. The fillies
are generally kept in the tribe. |
Part 11
History Of Arabian Horses |
O f diseases there are few among the Bedouin horses. I have never heard of an instance of
roaring, and only once of broken wind. An accident known as "twisted gut," is, however, rather common, and some other diseases
of an inflammatory nature which prove suddenly fatal. Horses, mares, colts, and all alike are starved during great part of
the year, no corn being ever given, and only camel's milk when other food fails. they are often without water for several
days together, and in the most piercing nights of winter they stand uncovered, and with no more shelter than can be got on
the lee side of the tents. Their coats become long and shaggy, and they are left uncombed and unbrushed till the new coat
comes in spring. At these times they are ragged-looking scarecrows, half-starved, and as rough as ponies. In the summer, however,
their coats are as fine as satin, and they show all the appearance of breeding one has a right to expect of their blood.
T he Bedouin never uses a bit or bridle of any sort, but instead, a halter with a fine chain
passing round the nose. With this he controls his mare easily and effectually. He rides on a pad of cotton, fastened on the
mare's back by a surcingle, and uses no stirrups. This pad is the most uncomfortable and insecure seat imaginable, but fortunately
the animals are nearly always gentle and without vice. I have never seen either violent plunging, rearing, or indeed any serious
attempt made to throw the rider. Whether the Bedouin would be able to sit a bare- backed unbroken four-year old colt, as the
gauchos of South America do, is exceedingly doubtful.
T he Bedouin has none of the arts of the horse-dealer. He knows little of showing off a horse,
or even of making him stand to advantage, but, however anxious he may be to sell him, brings him just as he is, dirty and
ragged, tired, and perhaps broken-kneed. He has a supreme contempt himself for everything except blood in his beast, and he
expects everybody else to have the same. He knows nothing of the simple art of telling a horse's age by the teeth, and still
less of any dealer's trick in the way of false marking. this comes from the fact that in the tribe, each colt's age is a matter
of public notoriety. We avoided, as much as possible, having direct commercial dealings with our friends in the desert, but,
form all we heard and the little we saw of such transactions, it is evidently very difficult to strike a satisfactory bargain.
As soon as one price is fixed, another is substituted; and, unless the intending purchaser rides resolutely away, there is
no chance of the bargain being really consluded. Once done, however, and the money counted and re-counted by half a dozen
disinterested friends, the horse or mare may be led away. I do not think the Bedouins have in general much personal love for
their mares, only a great deal of pride in them, and a full sense of their value.
A s I have already said, they will not tell a falsehood in respect of the breeding of their
animals, a habit partly due to the honour in which all things connected with horseflesh are held, partly, too, not doubt,
to the public notoriety of the breed or breeds in each family, which would at once expose the falsehood; and public opinion
is severe on this head.
H aving premised thus much of the general characteristics of the thoroughbred Arabian, I
will now explain what I have been able to discover of his pedigree.
T radition states that the first horse-tamer was Ismail-ibn-Ibrahim, or Ishmael,
who, after he was turned out of his father's tents, captured a mare from among a herd which he found running wild, "mittl
wahash" (like the wild ass). The Emir Abd-el-Kader, in confirming this story, told me that the children of Ishmael had a mare
from this principal stock which grew up crooked, for she had been foaled on a journey and, being unable to travel, had been
sewn into a khourj(ital), or goat's-hair sack, and placed upon a camel. From her descended a special strain of blood, known
as the Benat-el-Ahwaj, or "daughters of the crooked," and this was the first distinction made by the Bedouins among their
T he Benat-el-Ahwaj, or Ahwaj, as it is more commonly called, may therefore be considered
the oldest breed known. I have never heard of it in the Arabian deserts, but the Emir assures me that it exists under that
name in the Sahara; and that the breeds now recognised in Arabia are but ramifications of this original stock.
I t is difficult to give more than a guess as to the antiquity of the names now in use. The
five breeds known as the Khamsa are not possessed by the tribes of Northern Aftica; and it is therefore probable, that at
the time of the first Arabian conquests (in the 7th and 8th centuries of our era), they had not yet become distinguished from
the general stock. The Emir, however, does not doubt of their extreme antiquity, and I think it is certain that the Kehilans
must have been contemporary with Mahomet; for a breed called Koklani exists in Persia, and we may fairly suppose it to have
been brought there by the early Arabian invaders. It has not, however, been kept pure in Persia.
T he Kehilans, then, we may presume, were an early sub-breed of the Ahwaj, receiving their
name from the black marks certain Arabian horses have round their eyes; marks which give them the appearance of being painted
with kohl, after the fashion of the Arab women. Or, indeed, "Kehilan" may be merely a new name for the Ahwaj, used first as
an epithet, but afterwards superseding the older name in Arabia. This supposition is favoured by Niebuhr, who evidently treats the Kochlani, as he calls them, as the generic name of the pure Bedouin race, as
contrased with the Kadishes or town horses of the peninsula.
" The Kochlani," he says, "are reserved for riding
solely. They are said to derive their origin from King Solomon's studs. However this may be, they are fit to bear the greatest
fatigues * * *. The Kochlani are neither large nor handsome"
(It must be remembered that Niebuhr was a Dane, and took his ideas of beauty in all probability from the great Flanders'
horses ridden by our ancestors. The Eastern breed in his day, more than a hundred years ago, was hardly yet quite established
even in England), --
"but amazingly swift; it is not for their figure, but for their velocity and other good qualities that the Arabians
esteem them. These Kochlani are chiefly bred by the Bedouins
settled between Basra Merdin and Syria, in which countries the nobility never choose to ride horses of any other race. The whole race is divided into several families, each of which has its proper
name; that of Dsjulfa seems to be the most numerous. Some of
these families have a higher reputation than others, on account of their more ancient and uncontaminated nobility. Although it is known by experience, that the Kochlani are often inferior
to the Kadischi, yet the mares at least, of the former, are always preferred, in the hopes of a fine progeny.
"The Arabians have indeed no tables of genealogy to prove
the descent of their Kochlani; yet they are sure of the legitimacy of the progeny; for a mare of this race is never covered
unless in the presence of witnesses, who must be Arabians. This
people do not indeed always stickle at perjury; but in a case of such serious importance, they are careful to deal conscientiously.
there is no instance of false testimony given in respect to the descent of a horse. Every Arabian is persuaded that himself and his whole family would be ruined, if he should prevaricate in
giving his oath in an affair of such consequence.
"The Arabians make no scruple of selling their Kochlani
stallions like other horses; but they are unwilling to part with their mares for money. When not in a condition to support them, they dispose of them to others, on the terms of having a share in
the foals, or of being at liberty to recover them after a certain time.
"These Kochlani are much like the old Arabian nobility,
the dignity of whose birth is held in no estimation unless in their own country. These horses are little valued by the Turks. their country being more fertile, better watered, and less level,
swift horses are less necessary to them than to the Arabians. They
prefer large horses, who have a stately appearance when sumptuously harnessed.
"It should seem that there are also Kochlani in Hedjas
and in the country of Dsjof; but I doubt if they be in estimation in the domains of the Imam, where the horses of men of rank
appeared to me too handsome to be Kochlani. The English, however,
sometimes purchase these horses at the price of 800 or 1000 crowns each. An English merchant was offered at Bengal twice the purchase-money for one of these horses; but he sent him to England,
where he hoped that he would draw four times the original price."
I have given this extract almost in extenso, as it is interesting in spite of some
blunders, which are easily explained by the fact that niebuhr never visited the great horse-breeding tribes. It shows, at
any rate, that the names of the breeds were at that time as clearly established as now, and that these are in no wise a mere
modern invention, as some assert, got up by horse-dealers for the benefit of Englishmen in India. the notion of such an imposture
is not to be entertained by anyone who has conversed, even for half an hour, on horseflesh with a Bedouin. The fanatics about
breeding are not the English but the Bedouins themselves; and it is inconceivable these can have been converted by any conspiracy
of horse-dealers. an equally absurd idea, also current in India, is that the Anazeh breed has within the last sixty or seventy
years received an infusion of English blood. some talk of English thoroughbred horses, left by the French under Napoleon in
Egypt, others of horses introduced into Syria forty years ago, but nobody who knows anything of the aAazeh can for an instant
conceive that the existence of any number of English thoroughbreds at Damascus or Cairo, would have the slightest influence
on their own breeding stock. By the Anazeh the finest horse that ever ran at Newmarket would be accounted a mere kadish,
and would not even be looked at for stud purposes.*
*Some thoroughbreds brought by Mr. Skene to Aleppo eighteen or twenty years ago were laughed at by the Arabs even of the
towns, and no one dreamed of sending his mares to them. Prejudice was too strong. We took great pains, while travelling with
the Anezeh, to ascertain what they knew of our English thoroughbred stock, but with the exception of Mr. Skene's they had
never heard of any, and laughed heartily at the idea of any mixture with them or other kadishes having been permitted.
But to resume. The Kehilans, whenever first so called, have been without doubt a recognised breed in Arabia for many centuries,
and were in all probability the parent stock which produced the other four great strains of blood, which with the Kehilan
make up the Khamsa. These also have existed as distinct breeds in Arabia from "time immemorial," but whether that means one
hundred or five hundred, or a thousand years, it is quite impossible to say. The common belief of their descent form the five
mares of Solomon is of course a fable, ( 2) and is not much talked
of in the desert itself.
(2) Abd-el-Kader told me that these five mares were Benat-el-Ahway, purchased by Solomon of the Ishamelites, and
that one of them, the most celebrated, was given by him to the Sheykh of the Uzd, in which tribe her descendants are still
found. she was called Azd-el-Musefir (food for the traveller) on account of her being fast enough to run down the gazelle.
The names of the Khamsa, or five great strains of blood (originally Ahwaj, and possible all Kehilan,) are as follows: --
1. KEHILAN, fem. Kehileh (or Kehilet before
a vowel).
This strain is most numerous, and, taken generally, the most exteemed. It contains a greater proportion, I think, of bays
than any other strain. The Kehilans are the fastest, though not perhaps the hardiest horses, and bear a closer resemblance
than the rest to English thoroughbreds, to whom indeed they are more nearly related. The Darley Arabian, perhaps the only
thoroughbred Anazeh horse in our stud book, was a Kehilan. The Kehilan is not by any means the most beautiful of the
strains. Its subdivisions ae very numerous, and will be given, in the list at the end of this chapter. The favourite substains
are the Kehilan Ajuz, the Kehilan Nowag, the Kehilan Abu Argub, Abu Jenub, and Ras-el-Fedawi.
2. SEGLAWI, fem. Seglawieh
Kaaba Khan is from Seglawi Jedran
One stain of this blood, the Seglawi Jedran, is considered the best of all in the desert; and the Seglawis generally are
held in high repute. They are, however, comparatively rare, and exist only in a few families of the Anazeh. Among the Shammar
there are Seglawis, but no Seglawi Jedrains, the last mares of this breed having been bought up at fabulous prices by Abbas
Pasha. The four strains, Jedrain, Obeyran, Arjebi and el-Abd are identical in origin, being descended from four Seglawi mares,
sisters--but only the first has been kept absolutely pure. Even the Seglawi Jedrain is to be found pure in the families of
Ibn Nederi and Ibn Sbeni only. The Seglawi Obeyran has been crossed with the Kehilans and other strains, and the El Abd though
purer than the Obeyran is yet not absolutely so even in the family of Ibn Shaalan, where it is at its best. The Seglawi Jedran
of Ibn Nederi is powerful and fast, but not particularly handsome. Ibn Sbeni's strain is more perfect in appearance, and of
equal purity.
3. ABEYAN, fem. Abeyeh.
The Abeyan is generally the handsomest breed, but is small and has less resemblance to the English thoroughbred than either
of the preceding. The Abeyan Sherrak is the substrain most appreciated, and an Abeyan Sherrak we saw at Aleppo, bred by the
Gomussa, could not have been surpassed in good looks. He was not however of a racing type. Again an Abeyeh Sherrak mare belonging
to Beteyen ibn Mershid was the most perfect mare we saw. But her sire was a Kehilan Ajuz. The pure Abeyan Sherrak strain is
only found in the family of Abu Jereys of the Meseka, and in a single family of the Jelaas.
4. HAMDANI, fem. Hamdanieh,
is not a common breed either among the Anazeh or Shammar. Most of the animals of this breed I have seen have been grey,
but a very handsome brown horse was shown us by the Gomussa. This was a Hamdani Simri, which is the only substain recognised
as hadud. The very beautiful white mare, Sherifa, which we had with us on the latter part of our journey, was a Hamdanieh
Simri. She was bred in Nejd, and had been in the possession of Ibn Saoud. Her head is the most perfect of any I have seen.
She stands fourteen hands two inches, and is pure white in colour, with the kohl patches round the eyes and nose very strongly
and blackly marked. Her ears are long like a hind's, and her eyes as full and soft. She was admired all over the desert. In
shape, head apart, she is more like an English hunter than a racehorse.
5. HADBAN, fem. Hadbbeh,
also uncommon among the Anazeh, the best having formerly been possessed by the Roala. Hadban Enzekhi is the best substrain,
and to it belonged a remarkable mare owned by Mohammed Jirro at Deyr. She stood about fourteen hands two and a-half inches,
was a bay with black points, carried her tail very high, and was full of fire. She looked like a racehorse, though not an
English one. The two other substains, Mshetib and El Furrd, are not so much esteemed as the Enzekhi.
B esides these five great breeds, which are called the Khamsa, there are sixteen other breeds,
all more or less esteemed, and most of them with one or more strains of blood, accounted equal to the Khamsa. These are: --
1. MANEGHI, >fem. Maneghieh (the long necked).
Said by some (but without sufficient authority) to be an off-shoot of the Kehilan Ajuz. The characteristics of this breed
are marked. They are plain and without distinction, have coarse heads, long ewe necks, powerful shoulders, much length and
strong but coarse hind quarters. They have also much bone, and are held in high repute for the qualities of endurance and
staying power. Niebuhr's discription of the Kochlanis seems to have been written expressly for them. Of the two substains
the most esteemed is the Maneghi Hedruj, of which the family of Ibn Sbeyel of the Gomusa possesses the finest mares. these
are generally known as Maneghi Ibn Sbeyel, but there is no distinct strain of that name. The other substrain, Maneghi es
slaji (greyhound), is described as being "the original" Maneghi breed.
2. SAADAN, fem. Saadeh.
The substrain, Saadan Togan, is in high repute. The handsomest and strongest mare we have is of this breed. She
is a chestnut fourteen hands two inches, of perfect beauty and immense power, but she cannot gallop with the Kehilans. She
bears a strong resemblance to one of the portraits of Eclipse, that published in the "Book of the Horse." She was bred
by the Towf Anazeh, who never come north of the Hamad. She was known far and wide among the Anezeh tribes as "the Saadeh."
3. DAKHMAN, fem. Dakhmeh.
The substrain Em Amr. We saw a very beautiful Dakhmeh filly at the Gomussa. All the horses of this breed we saw
or heard of were dark bay or brown.
4. SHUEYMAN, fem. Shueymeh.
Of this the only substain is the Shueyman Sbab. Faris, Sheykh of the Northern Shammar, has a mare of this breed.
She is coarse, but of immense strength and courage, and when moving becomes handsome. She is a dark bay of fourteen hands
three inches, or thereabouts.
5. JILFAN, fem Jilfeh
Substrain Jilfan Stam el Bulad (sinews of steel). A --, son of Mijuel of the Misrab, rode a fine bay three-year
old colt, a Jilfan Stam el Bulad.
6. TOESSAN, fem. Toesseh.
Substrain Toessan Algami. The only horse we saw of this breed was a bay, handsome but very small.
7. SAMHAN, fem. Samheh.
Substrain Samhan el Gomeaa. The tallest and strongest colt we saw among the Gommussa was of this breed. He has already
been described in the journal.
8. WADNAN, fem.Wadneh.
Substrain Wadnan Hursan.
9. RISHAN, fem. Risheh.
Substrain Rishan Sherabi.
10. KEBEYSHAN, fem Kebeysheh.
Substrain Kebeyshan el Omeyr.
11. MELEKHAN, fem. Melekha.
12. JEREYBAN, fem. Jereybeh.
13. JEYTANI, fem. Jeytanieh.
14. FEREJAN, fem. Ferejeh.
15. TREYFI, fem. Treyfieh.
16. RABDAN, fem. Rabdeh.
I t will be observed that in the foregoing list, all the breeds, except the last six, have
at least one substrain, whose name is added to that of the breed, and these substrains only are used in choosing sires. a
Kehilan without an affix to his name is not hadud, that is, not "worthy;" and of the disqualified class mares only
are used for breeding -- their produce, however, inherit their disabilites, and the Arabs do not consider that a stain in
the blood can be extinguished by lapse of time. On the other hand, a Rishan, with the affix of Sherabi, or a Samhan, with
that of El Gomeaa, are perfectly qualified, although a Kehilan Ajuz or a Seglawi Jedran would be preferred. Of the minor breeds
none are kept absolutely pure, except the Maneghi Hedruj of Ibn Sbeyel. In all cases, the breed of the colt is that of his
dam, not of his sire.
T here is no such distinction in the desert as that made in India, of high caste and low
caste, first class and second class. An animal, about whose breeding there is any doubt, is disqualified altogether, and is
not bred from.
I add a table, showing the whole of the strains and substains, premising that one and all
of them are reputed to have descended from the same original stock.
"The Five Favourite horses of the Prophet Mohammed
(PBUH)" | |
"Al Khamsa" is an Arabic term roughly translated as "the five."
Early occidental travelers to the extended Arabian peninsula frequently reported that the
term "al khamsa" (el Khamsa, el Khoms, etc.) was used to designate the five best or favorite "breeds," strains or families,
of the unique and ancient breed of horses of the native Bedouin. These travelers indicated that there were many strains and
that the list of "the five" varied from tribe to tribe or from sheykh to sheykh. One
variation of the story of "Al Khamsa" refers to the five favorite horses of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (AD 570-632).
According to this legend, a tribe of Bedouin, after a long journey in the desert, released
their mares to run to a watering hole to quench their thirst.
As a test of their loyalty the mares were called back to their masters before reaching the
water, and of the many mares, only five returned faithfully without drinking.
These became the five original favorite mares of the Bedouin, and each was given a strain
name which would carry on with its descendants. Just which strains these were depended on the teller of the tale as there
are actually more than five strains and all are related and of equal importance.
The term "Al Khamsa" signified purity of bloodlines to the Bedouin
NEXT: The Arabian horse was essential to the Bedouins, particularly in raids or wars, both of which were frequent events.
Source: A lot of the information contained in this section comes from Carol
Lyons and the Al Khamsa organization
"It is so important that people have an opportunity to learn
about the historical Arabian which was not something created in Europe or in the USA or even in Egypt. This original
Arabian horse - the Arabian of the Bedouins of the extended Arabian penninsula - is a rare breed representing
only some 2% to 3% of all the registered Arabians worldwide. Perhaps even less than that. Other registered Arabians
of many bloodlines are fine horses - but they are not the originals. Originals cant be recreated once gone."
Carol Lyons http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/6803 http://www.lyonsarabians.com | |
The Arabian Breed Standard:
Comparatively small head, profile of head straight or preferably slightly concave below the eyes;small muzzle
large nostrils, extended when in action; large, round, expressive, dark eyes set well apart ; comparatively short distance
between eye and muzzle; deep jowls, wide between the branches; small ears(smaller in stallion than mares), thin and well shaped,
tips curved slightly inward; long arched neck, set on high and running well back into moderately high withers; long sloping
shoulder well laid back, loins broad and strong; croup comparatively horizontal; natural high tail caarriage. Viewed
from rear, tail should be carried straight; hips strong and round; well muscled thigh and gaskin; straight, sound, flat bone,
large joints, strong and well defined; sloping pasterns of good length; round feet of proportionate size. Height from
14.1-15.1 hands, with an occasional individual over or under. Fine coat in varying colors of bay, chestnut, grey and
black . Dark skin, except under white marking, Stallions especially should have an abundance of natural vitality, animation,
spirit, suppleness and balance. |
Sejarah Kuda Arab
[ Purebred Arabian Horses]
Kuda tulin Arab hanya terdapat di Tanah Arab sejak lebih 1,000 tahun yang silam, kuda baka arab ini
melebar dari Yamen hingga ke tanah besar Arab menuju ke utara Arab Saudi, Syria, Irak, Iran, Mesir dan lain-lain.
Kuda Arab memang terkenal dengan ketahanan fisikal dan spiritual, sesuai dengan kedudukan geografi
tanah Arab yang dipenuhi dengan padang pasir, gurun, panas dan lasak.
Kuda Arab mula diberi perhatian oleh masyarakat dunia, bilamana Rasullah SAW sendiri telah mengarahkan
para penduduk Arab supaya memelihara dan membiak baka kuda Arab tulin demi untuk menjaga keamanan dunia baru Islam.
Dalam waktu yang singkat sahaja Nabi Muhammad SAW telah dapat menubohkan pasukan 'Tentera Berkuda'
atau lebih dikenali sebagai calvary dikalangan orang-orang Arab Qureish . Dengan kekuatan pasukan berkuda yang disiplin yang
dipimpin sendiri oleh Rasullullah SAW, tentera-tentera Islam telah dapat membina kekuatan pertahanan bagi menjaga keaman dunia
Setelah wafatnya Rasullah SAW, peranan perkembangan Pasukan Berkuda yang terdiri dari kuda-kuda Arab
baka baik telah dibina oleh Khalifah Abu Bakar, Omar, Osthman dan Ali sehinggalah kepada Tariq Al-Ziad dan Mohd Ghazni.
Kekuatan dan kepantasan serta dengan ketahanan yang kuat pada kuda-kuda Arab telah dapat membantu
menguatkan pasukan berkuda tentera Islam, sehinggalah empayar Islam telah melebar dari bumi Arab terus ke Europah.
Bila kuda-kuda mula memasuki Europah melalui Andulasia atau Spanyol, barulah orang-orang Europah
dapat mengenali kehebatan kuda-kuda Arab yang begitu pantas, tahan lasak dan dapat berjalan atau berlari tanpa air beratus-ratus
kilometer sehari.
Sedangkan kuda-kuda Inggeris waktu itu tidak dapat bertahan walaupun perjalanan hanya 30 kilometer.
Selepas pendedahan kekuatan dan kepatasan kuda-kuda Arab, orang-orang Barat mula mengintai-intai
untuk mendapatkan baka kuda-kuda Arab tulin. Setelah membeli beberapa kuda Arab Jantan yang baik-baik, mereka membiakan kuda
mereka dengan memasuki benih atau baka arab didalam kuda-kuda Inggeris.
Hasilnya lahirlah apa yang kita kenali sekarang sebagai baka 'Thoroughbred' yang pantas dan hebat.
Dan setiap baka kuda thoroughberd yang masyur pada hari ini, walaupun berharga berjuta-juta dollar
Amerika, ia tetap mengalir darah arab.
Begitulah penting dan hebatnya Kuda Arab pada hari ini.
Pada hari ini kuda-kuda pure arab banyak diternak diseluroh dunia termasuk di Australia, Amerika,
Germany, Poland, Hungary, Russia dan lain-lain.
Hanya di Mesir sahaja satu-satunya negara Arab yang telah membiak baka kuda arab tulin.
Malah tidak hairanlah pada hari ini, para pemimpin Arab termasuk para Syeikh di Dubai, UAE, Arab
Saudi membeli kuda-kuda Arab mereka di Australia, Amerika dan Europah.
[Betapa malangnya orang-orang Arab !! ]
Dari berita terakhir yang saya dapati hanya dalam satu atau dua tahun ia Syeikh dari Dubai mula menternak
baka-baka kuda Arab di negara mereka dan baka-baka Jantan terbaik saperti anak-anak El Shaklan telah diimport ke Dubai untuk
dibiakkan disana.
Seorang kenalan saya di Sydney menyatakan bahawa, " The Arabs come here to buy the Arabs"
Untuk itulah maka, kami di Purebred Arabian Horse Ranch, di Gelang Mas, Pasir Mas,
Kelantan mula merintis jalan untuk membiak baka kuda Arab ini di Malaysia dan langkah pertama kami bermula di Gelang Mas,
Kuda Arab Jantan
Our Arab Stallion - Kaaba Khan
Untuk perkhidmatan baka RM2,000.00, boleh dilakukan bila-bila masa, sila hubungi kami ditalian 019-9401915
See the beauty of Arabian Horses |
the head, muzzle, ears, tail and body, are beautiful |
Tempat Pembiakan Kuda Arab di Malaysia
Purebred Arabian Horse Ranch
Kg Gelang Mas, Pasir Mas, Kelantan Darulnaim
Tel: 019-9401915