Our clinic is an Alternative / Complementary Medical Clinic
We Offer
- Homeopathic Treatment
- Acupuncture ( Classical Chinese medicine)
- Bekam Al Hijamah
- Reflexology
What Is Homeopathy & What Homeopathy Can Offer To You.
Homeopathy is a system of medicine based on the law of Similar
Similibus Curentur which was founded by Samuel Hahnemann in 1810 at Germany. This system of medicine has been recognised by
Ministry of Health Malaysia.
Our Homeopathic Medical
Centre is one of the best in Malaysia.
What Are The Speciality of Homeopathy ?
* It has no side effect* It has is natural and friendly
* No poison, no antibiotic and no drugging
* We try our best to cure, and not just to stop the pain.
* It goes to the root of the disease.
* It is cheaper than ordinary western medicine
* The homeopathic medicines are sweets and friendly
* Homeopathic is natural and organic
* Homeopathy is based on the law of similar
* All Homoepathic medicines are based on research
* All homeopathic product are manufactured with GMP certified.
Apakah Kelebihan Ubat Homeopathy
Merawat penyakit hingga ke akar umbi
Tidak perlu pembedahan / hanya makan ubat sahaja
Ubat dari bahan organik Semua ubat lembut dan diujikaji terhadap manusia, bukan haiwan
Kanak-kanak dan wanita amat sesuai dan serasi dengan ubat-ubat
homeopati Dimana untuk mendapat ubat-ubat homeopati yang baik, sila lihat
alamat disebelah atau tel terus ke 03- 4042 2020 laman infomasi http://malaymedic.tripod.com
Here we may display a picture of this month's special:
Homeopathic & Acupuncture Medical Centre |

No.118-1st Flr. Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur. Tel 03-4042 2020 |
How Acupuncture Works
The Small Acupuncture Needles Works Wonders On You.
Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of healing. Now local doctors are using it to help treat children.
Kean suffers from migraines as well as severe abdominal pain as a result of a condition called ulcerative colitis. In addition
to having surgery, she comes to Children's Hospital Boston for regular acupuncture treatments to help relieve her pain. "I
would be doubled over, uncomfortable and crying, and then after I went to acupuncture, I was more relaxed and calm and the
side effects were basically gone."
"After a week or two, we weren't getting any more complaining about her abdominal
pain or her back pain," said Sandra's mother Roseanne.
Children's started offering patients acupuncture as a complementary
therapy in 2000.
"Lots of kids will be saying to us, 'I don't want needles,' however; after careful explanation and
demonstration, kids to very well with acupuncture," said Dr. Yuan-Chi Lin of Children's Hospital Boston.
Doctors have
used acupuncture to help hundreds of patients, ranging from teenagers like Sandra to the tiniest of babies."I have done acupuncture
for premature infants to decrease their anxiety when they are in the intensive care unit," said Dr. Lin.
Dr. Lin has
conducted studies which have shown that children who suffered from headaches, stomach aches and other chronic pain, felt less
pain, missed less school and were able to sleep better after receiving acupuncture treatments for a year.
The World health Organization Interregional Seminar on Acupuncture & Moxibustion Anaethesia held in Beijing
China in June 1979 has recommended the diseases listed can be teated by Acupuncture:Neurological
and Musculo-Skeletal Disorder: ( Rawatan Penyakit Urat Saraf - The Best of Acupuncture )
Headache and Migraine cured most of the cases within few therapies. Trigeminal Neuralgia, Facial Paralysis
( Hemifacial Spasm, Bell Palsy - very fast respond) Paralysis following stroke, Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction ( such as
prostate problems, dribbling urination, frequent urination, bloody urine, etc)
Frozen Shoulder, Tennis Elbow, carpal
Tunnel Syndrome, Stiff Neck, Lower and upper Back Pain, Lumbago, Scitica, Slip Disc, Cervical Syndrome, Osteoarthritis, Gout,
Tinnitus, Numbness of hand and feet. Ladies Problems: Painful period ( senggugut),
Irregular Period ( Haid tidak teratur), Fibroid, Cycst ( Sista, Ketumbuhan), Infertility ( Kemandulan)etc. Upper
respiratory tract: Acute Sinusitis ( Resdung), Acunite Rhinitis, Common Cold, Tonsilitis. Disorder
of Eyes: Acute Conjunctivitis, Central Retinitis, Myopia, Cataract, Lazy Eyes Respiratory System:
Acute Bronchitis, Asthma ( Mostly very effective in children)
More detail about acupuncture